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The mission of the State Information Technology Services Division is to provide standardized, strategic, secure, and state-of-the art information technology to advance the efficiency and delivery of government services to citizens.

Why We Need More Women Running Our Local Governments

Our research showed that the lack of gender diversity and women in senior-level positions could very well be hindering government organizations from reaching peak performance.

How ethical is your state government? In all but three states, not very.

Only three states scored higher than D+ in a Center for Public Integrity investigation.

What Costco Can Teach the Public Sector

If you’re looking for ways to turn a governmental entity into a high-performance organization, you’d do well to pay attention to people like Mike Salvino and Zeynep Ton.

E-Gov’s Untapped Potential for Cutting the Public Workforce

Governments have been reluctant to use technology to boost productivity and save money. They need to be more aggressive.

City of Bozeman conducting satisfaction survey

The survey, said City Manager Chris Kukulski, is intended to solicit feedback on the city’s services and inform long-term planning for Bozeman’s future direction. Respondents will have the option to respond either via mail or online.

One of the most lucrative Social Security strategies for married couples is being eliminated

The move had come to be known as a loophole because it allowed couples to collect some cash from Social Security while still growing their benefits.

The State of Montana creates new system for confidential data

Under the policy, all data acquired, created or maintained by a state agency must be classified by the agency head as public, confidential, secret or top secret.

Chicago Uses Advanced Analytics to Enhance City Operations

"When I saw the app for the very first time–all that data there in one place–I was very impressed," said Butler. "All of that hard work and communication really led to a great new way that we can do business."

Montana is 30th state to accept ObamaCare Medicaid expansion

n April, Montana’s Republican legislature approved Medicaid expansion, but like other Republican-controlled states, it made some changes to put a conservative twist on the program.

Governments Need an Internet of Things Strategy

What’s being done globally in the public sector with IoT right now?