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The mission of the State Information Technology Services Division is to provide standardized, strategic, secure, and state-of-the art information technology to advance the efficiency and delivery of government services to citizens.

California to Pilot Statewide Open Data Portal – "Our strategy is to start small, iterate, have low costs and low risks"

"It’s open data to push, ultimately, a culture of data-based decision-making."

Daines among western Republicans hoping to break up 9th Circuit

For several decades Republicans have attempted to split up the Ninth Circuit, which has a liberal reputation on environmental regulations.

New app will make scheduling city inspections in Missoula easier for contractors

"What we try to do here is provide the best service we can for general contractors, and we were looking at a way where they could schedule inspections,"

L.A. County Uses Data Analytics to Keep Kids Out of Jail

Instead of waiting to help until kids get in trouble, Los Angeles County is using data analytics to help them before. So far, it’s proving successful.

Can Government Hiring Get Out of the Stone Age?

"When private industry is expanding and the economy is growing, we can’t compete."

New York CIO Declares Looming Staff Crisis

Within the next few years, she said, the agency expects to lose 25 percent of its staff to retirement — and those officials can’t be replaced because union rules prohibit the hiring of anyone from outside government but entry-level workers.

5 Google Government Innovation Lab Projects Happening in San Joaquin County, Calif.

The initiatives are viewed as part of a dramatic turning point for innovation in the county.

Publishing platform visualizes government data for entrepreneurs

DataPress is a platform that publishes raw data and helps non-technical users analyze and release open data.

BMI is wrong: Millions of healthy Americans labeled obese who could be charged more for insurance.

"Our study should be the final nail in the coffin for BMI."

Private-Market Misfires and Misconceptions – When government lets the market fix policy problems, it often fails.

The strategy has launched some remarkable policy innovations. But most of the time, it hasn’t worked out so well in practice.