Funding and Building your Business

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Dorsey & Whitney - An International business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs in Missoula, Montana and beyond.

The Business Plan that Always Works

Writing a traditional business plan is usually precipitated by one of two thoughts:

Startup Founders Need to Build a Dream Team

As I’ve said before, there is no substitute for building your network, or using your network of trusted advisors.

6 Tips to Max Your Business Problem Solving Skills

The real entrepreneurs I know are good at overcoming both people problems and business obstacles, and get satisfaction from the challenge.

9 Attributes of the Best Entrepreneurial Leaders

The good news is that all of these principles of leadership are learnable.

Why one company is making all its employees learn how to code

While we’re only three months into the Codinization Project, I am already noticing the impact the project is making. The dialogue and questions I am hearing from both the "learning" and "mentoring" sides has been inspiring to me. Technical and non-technical employees are enjoying working together to help raise the company’s collective product knowledge and understanding.

9 Attributes of the Best Entrepreneurial Leaders

Look for these and nurture them in your own context to improve the odds of success for your own startup:

Patagonia’s Founder is America’s Most Unlikely Business Guru

His approach to leading a company is perhaps best understood as a sort of performance art–less about the bottom line than about providing a road map for future entrepreneurs.

Click here to find out more! Legal Structure: The Difference Between LLCs And LLPs

The question whether to form an LLC or LLP doesn’t have to be complicated once you understand how these two entities are created, who can create them, and what legal protections and tax benefits they offer.

Define Startup Social Media Goals and Metrics Early

There are many ‘experts’ out there telling you how to do it, or even offering their services. But very few are talking about how to measure your results, and the right metrics for optimizing your marketing environment.

To Avoid Stupid Mistakes, Think in French

Thinking in a non-native language seems to make people more rational.