Funding and Building your Business

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Dorsey & Whitney - An International business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs in Missoula, Montana and beyond.

Writing a business plan

Don’t forget: No one is likely to know about the nuances of your business better than you do.

Building a Better Workforce – What technology can (and can’t) do to help companies optimize their most valuable asset.

There remains only a tenuous connection between pay and performance, companies routinely lay off valuable workers and then spend large sums to recruit less-capable employees, and the incessant labeling of the workforce as a company’s most-valuable asset seems wholly at odds with the scant efforts most companies make to optimize it.

Businesses learn it’s all in the name – Picking what to call your company can be vital to its success

Few decisions a business owner makes are as visible or enduring as the company name, and picking it can be daunting task.

Dispelling business niche myths

"After a while, you learn what sells."

Inventors must protect their creations

The story of corporate fraud reads like David and Goliath, with the lowly inventor playing the role of David. David won with a slingshot, and the only way that an inventor can win against such corporate Goliaths is with a well-written patent.

To Patent or Not to Patent?

Everything you need to know about protecting your invention

The Adviser – Pull together a basic press kit providing snapshot of company

Whether the kit is put together internally or handled by an outside firm, the important thing isn’t a glamorous look or a weighty package — it’s telling your story clearly, concisely, and at the right time.

New state health insurance plan designed to help small businesses in Montana

The program will not go into effect until January, but applications are being accepted now, and the demand may prove greater than the number of openings.

What Investors Look For in a Plan

From venture capitalists to angel investors, here’s what your business plan needs to include to catch the eye of startup investors.

The Impact of Regulations on Email Archiving Requirements

Email is now just as admissible in court, and just as critical for an enterprise to maintain, as are its paper-based records.