Funding and Building your Business

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Dorsey & Whitney - An International business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs in Missoula, Montana and beyond.

How Google Works. What Other CIO’s Can Learn

Google’s information management approach, which often goes unnoticed, is both highly effective and efficient. And may be the way other organizations deploy technology in the future.

VCs Try To Get Down With Young CEOs. Today’s start-up founders need less cash and are choosier about their financiers.

Many older tech investors, eager not to miss out, are going to great lengths to shed fuddy-duddy images and ingratiate themselves with this younger generation.

Execs discuss innovation

How do you incorporate innovation in your everyday operations?

11 Suggestions For Not Being a Dot-Bomb 2.0

#1. Have a revenue model, right now.

All the Good URLs Have Been Taken

Most people trying to do business online will tell you that the good domain names are already taken. Mr. Forbes’s research proves them out.

The Elevator Pitch: Tech Entrepreneurs Struggle to Compress Ideas Succinctly

“He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.”
~ Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln could offer this critique because he had a talent for compressing very big ideas into very few words.

Good judgment, intuition aren’t enough when hiring

Let me share a story about what can happen when only "good judgment" is applied.

Venture Capital: The Good, Bad, and Ugly

A veteran entrepreneur tells you what you should know about venture capital before you sign on the dotted line

Promoting Your Business Through Search Engines

Businesses of all sizes have found that advertising on Web search engines provides a powerful boost to their sales.

Set up your business so it runs without you doing daily tasks

Many businesses are not transferable and their value is diminished by this.