Funding and Building your Business

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How ‘visionary’ raised – and lost – a fortune – John P. Rogers and "Pay By Touch"

To some, the spectacular rise and equally spectacular collapse of Pay By Touch is a cautionary tale about the vagaries of venture capital, the importance of background checks – and, perhaps, the risks of taking your broker’s tip at face value.

HP Goes All In With An IT Transformation

Even with the economy in a fierce downturn, HP CIO Randy Mott preaches a high-risk, capital-intensive approach to transforming IT operations. But will other CIOs follow his lead?

Start Now: 6 Reasons Why This Economy Is Good For Startups

Here are six reasons why you should start your new company right now.

Inside Entrepreneurship: Small investors for startup not ideal

If I talk with 500 to 1,000 people, I could raise about $10,000 to start my business. What do you think?

Give a Gift: 4 Tips for More Effective Mentoring

Create a "gift culture."

Venture capitalists see opportunity in recession

Ignore the gloomy forecasts, says Tim Draper, founder of the Draper Fisher Jurvetson venture firm in Silicon Valley.

Hire better people with The Collaborative Hiring Process

free ebook, The Collaborative Hiring Process

How to Use Twitter as a Twool

There are only two kinds of Twitter users: those that want more followers and those that lie.

The Four Elements of an Inspiring Vision

One investor told me that if an entrepreneur cannot articulate his or her vision in 10 words or less, he wouldn’t give him or her a dime.

A mastermind group (advisory board) can help any small business thrive

Call it whatever you wish, but understand that this concept can be a tremendous catalyst for growth.