Energy and Climate Change

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Buyer beware: Solar power may be missing key ingredient

Some of the biggest marketers of such deals are stripping the "green" benefits out of them and selling them elsewhere, leaving homeowners with a small discount on the same electricity they were using before.

To Cut Emissions Faster, U.S. Should Ditch Tax Credit-Based Subsidies for Renewable Energy

A growing body of research suggests that the ability of the tax credits to slow climate change would have been still greater had the value of the subsidies been instead linked to the amount of GHG emissions displaced by installing renewable energy.

Let solar reach its full Montana potential

The future of the solar power sector depends on the leadership of Montana policymakers.

Panel: Renewable energy tech could eliminate utilities

Evolving renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind could some day mean consumers no longer need utilities to provide them with electricity, allowing consumers to drop them.

Nevada decision guts the state’s thriving solar industry

Electric utility pushed effort to sour economics of rooftop solar.

San Francisco Becomes First City To Ban The Sale Of Plastic Bottles

The move is building a global movement to reduce the huge amount of waste from the billion-dollar plastic bottle industry which is taking a toll on the environment.

Climate concerns ignite search for next-gen energy

Or maybe the next generation of energy will come from river or ocean tides, from "windmills" floating 2,000 feet high in the sky, or from spent nuclear waste. Or the answer might lie with removing carbon from the air and reusing it.

Wyoming’s largest utility backs measure to end coal use in Oregon

Wyoming’s largest utility is continuing its transition from coal.

Clean Power’s Overlooked Tool

In meeting a new federal initiative’s ambitious goals for reducing carbon emissions, states should focus on never emitting them in the first place.

Governor Bullock announces 27-member Montana Clean Power Plan advisory council

The governor implored the council to focus not on their differences and divisions, but the future. "As Montanans, value the perspective of folks who may not always see things the way that we do," he said.