Energy and Climate Change

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PG&E’s Newly Proposed Efficiency Program Is Simple. But It’s Based on a Revolutionary Concept

The future of efficiency is at hand.

Students lobby Missoula City Council to consider banning electronic waste at landfill

"Our innovative solution is to create a law for Montana that would ban e-waste from landfills and increase e-waste recycling statewide," said 10-year-old McKenna Summers. "This would protect the environment, preserve natural resources and protect wildlife and people."

Montana faces global warming symptoms

The report states each year we can expect to see an increase in bugs and mosquito, heat-related sicknesses that lead to deaths by the thousands, and elevated levels of air pollution.

India wants to make every car on its roads electric by 2030

What if one country–and a very large one at that–decided to make every car on its roads electric inside of 15 years?

Nuclear Power Is Too Safe to Save the World From Climate Change

For all that fear, nuclear power still has the safest track record of any power source.

Will California Put Solar Panels in Roads?

The state’s transportation agency is working with a Dutch company to explore the idea of generating electricity from its busiest highways.

The Utility Industry Is Rebranding Itself: PR Ploy or Serious Attempt to Connect With Customers?

"They view us a monopoly, no incentives to serve the customers. They view us as stuck in the past in terms of technology," said PR guru Michael Maslansky, who was hired to frame industry messaging.

When Will Rooftop Solar Be Cheaper Than the Grid? Here’s a Map

Today the average cost of energy from solar PV in U.S. is reported to be 12.2 cents per kWh, which is about the same as the average retail rate.

Report: Clean Power Plan Must Be Fair to Rural Communities, Workers

For the EPA’s carbon-reduction plan to work, rural communities need to be at the table as states prepare their proposals. With proper planning, the Clean Power Plan could be good for both the environment and the economy.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson: Global overpopulation is the real issue

Depending on how fast you read, the population of the planet is growing with every word that skitters beneath your eyeball. There are more than 211,000 people being added every day, and a population the size of Germany every year.