Cool Stuff That's Coming

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Motor pool agreement to help Missoula County, Montana move into hybrid, electric vehicles

The $75,000 one-year agreement sets a benchmark for how the county hopes to manage its motor pool in the future and stay on top of new technology.

The American Alley, Part 1: A Hidden Resource

This is perhaps the only place in many American towns and cities today that will allow the development of pedestrian-scaled urban spaces—most easily seen along the residential alleyway.

Incredible Never-Miss Auto-Aiming Bow Puts Robin Hood to Shame

Learning to shoot a bow isn’t as fun as letting engineering and electronics do all the work for you.

CBS 60 Minutes – Automated trucking, a technical milestone that could disrupt hundreds of thousands of jobs, hits the road

Companies are already testing driverless trucks on America’s roads. The technology will bring untold profits, but it may cost thousands of truckers their livelihoods.

Road Design Still Privileges Cars

Surveys show Americans want more walkable cities and bike riding continues to grow. Yet urban streets are still designed and used like highways. Change is happening, but at a very slow pace, says urban expert Jeff Speck.

Data, Analysis Are Essential to Planning the Future of Transit

Transit agencies are turning to data and data analysis tech firms to plan future developments, like route changes or service upgrades, as transit tries to regain ridership lost during the pandemic and improve services.

Blood, brains and burgers: The future is lab-grown everything

Science fiction has long floated the idea of a device that can produce any kind of object one can imagine. Star Trek called it a replicator, while other writers have referred to it as a Santa Claus Machine.

Who Is The “Go To Guy” for Roundabout Questions in Montana

Believe it or not, there is actually a guy. A roundabout expert guy for the state of Montana. His name is Gabe Priebe, and he says the answer as to why Roundabouts are better, is simple.

Deadline Approaching: Red Ants Pants Foundation Girls Leadership Program – Applications close on August 15, 2021 so please help spread the word!

The dream of building a program to bolster leadership among high school girls in rural communities has been years in the making. And, thanks to your support, we are proudly embarking soon on our 4th year of the program!

How to Solve a Parking Problem Without Breaking the Bank

“What’s the next, best small thing we can do?”