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The Gift

Please take a moment to visit "The Gift" just to the left of this article on the MATR home page or go to: Please share your thoughts with the Roundtable in the Comments section…

New law aims to rein in CA’s sprawling growth patterns

While it was being debated last year, no one pitched AB857 as the one true initiative to reshape California’s haphazard growth management policies. By JIM WASSERMAN, Associated Press Writer The Sacramento Bee But as the…

Missoula in Motion honors Art Museum of Missoula, Big Dipper Ice Cream and Holiday Inn Parkside for taking strides to address transportation, air-quality and parking challenges.

"By looking at these businesses and pointing out what some of these exemplary practices are, we’re sort of making a statement about what we want to see more of," she said.

Westward, Stop!-Despite the West’s arid landscapes, both population and demands on water keep rising.

"But now’s the time for Western states to ask if the price of growth is too high for their environment."

Growth can be green

One of us is an affordable housing advocate, the other an environmental advocate, and we have different wish lists. The housing advocate likes clean water, clean air, and open space. The environmentalist likes having a…

Culture, the arts can stimulate new economy

IOWA FALLS-Emphasizing the arts, developing culture and celebrating history is not just a way for a people to pass the time or enjoy themselves. Tapping into our past and celebrating our creativity are ways to…

Committed Foundations: Smart Growth’s Ace In The Hole

As the Vermont Smart Growth Collaborative matures, it raises a critical question: if 50 states had parallel ventures, wouldn’t smart growth initiatives and protections multiply across America? My guess is yes–whether governors and state bureaucracies start out friendly to smart growth goals or not.

U of M’s Monte claims national mascot award

"The news that we have a national champion at the University of Montana raises all of our spirits,” UM President George Dennison said in a press release. "I know that everyone associated with the University of Montana believes Monte deserves this recognition for his superb work over the years. What a difference he has made for Missoula and Montana communities."

Growing with Less Greenhouse Gases

This National Governors Association report cites expanding transportation choices, conserving greenspaces, and promoting new community designs as effective smart growth strategies for reducing greenhouse gases. by: National Governors Association ”Communities are grappling with the good…

Opinion: Billings can shape its own future

When a leading expert in community planning took a look at Billings, we didn’t like everything he saw: # A proliferation of strip malls and huge commercial signs. # New subdivisions gobbling up the valley…