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Today – 4/14/15 is Equal Pay Day

This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year.

Owner of a Credit Card Processor Is Setting a New Minimum Wage: $70,000 a Year

Mr. Price’s small, privately owned company is by no means a bellwether, but his unusual proposal does speak to an economic issue that has captured national attention: The disparity between the soaring pay of chief executives and that of their employees.

The Women’s Foundation of Montana launches Powerhouse Montana as a resource clearinghouse for entrepreneurs.

PowerHouse Montana Initiative aims to connect women with mentors, resources and opportunities through a searchable database.

What makes a great leader? How to Be Emotionally Intelligent

Qualities associated with such "emotional intelligence" distinguish the best leaders in the world

Want More Women Working in Tech? Let Them Stay Home

PowerToFly, a job site that connects women with employers who are willing to let them work remotely.

‘Smart Girls’ co-founder Butte-bound for Equal Pay Summit April 10 and 11 at Montana Tech

"Women graduating from college and starting their careers shouldn’t have to worry that they’ll get paid fairly for their hard work and expertise," said Tech Student Body Vice President Julia Bryant. "Pay equity is a top priority for students, and we are thrilled to host this year’s summit."

The habits behind successful, creative, productive people

The author of "The Happiness Project" talks with The Post’s Lillian Cunningham about how the most creative, productive people structure their time.

An Introvert’s Advice for Getting Ahead

Public speaking is definitely one of those things that you get better at with a lot of practice. I force myself to do more of it.

Here’s a Thing: There’s No Correlation Between a College Degree and Coding Ability

Why should fancy degrees make him a better candidate for a programming job than others who lack the degrees but might be better coders?

Why women won’t code is topic of new documentary – ‘CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap’

‘Mom, I’m one of only two girls in the class and the guys know so much more, I’m bailing,’" says Hauser. "She was very good at computer science. But she now had the perception that she wasn’t good."