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Dorsey & Whitney - An International business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs in Missoula, Montana and beyond.

The Future Of Outsourcing. How it’s transforming whole industries and changing the way we work

Ever since the offshore shift of skilled work sparked widespread debate and a political firestorm three years ago, it has been portrayed as the killer of good-paying American jobs.

Term Sheet Terms: anti-dilution clauses

Two types of anti-dilution are commonly used: Full Ratchet and Weighted Average.

Arizona Budget from Gov. Napolitano offers tech support. Small firms also benefit heavily

At the top of the list is the creation of a public-private partnership that she envisions calling "Innovation Arizona." This group, which would be run by a non-government board of directors, would use $25 million in state dollars to leverage private efforts to attract researchers to the state, as well as to help move research projects from the laboratory to the market.

"If we invest in things at the seed level, that’s how you grow a knowledge economy," Napolitano said last week. Although $25 million is a paltry sum compared with the hundreds of millions that states such as Texas have poured into attracting cutting-edge technology businesses, it’s a start, she said. And money multiplied over the years will begin to make the state competitive, she said.

The Venture Capitalist Wishlist from Guy Kawasaki

#6. Clean up your act.

Hiring for Executive Intelligence – The Limits of IQ Tests

It is possible to create a comparable measure of intelligence for executives, one that tests for the skills managers need—such as evaluating the quality of data or accurately identifying the core issues in a conflict—and in a format that more accurately emulates the real business environment.

What Customers Want from Your Products

Marketers have lost the forest for the trees, focusing too much on creating products for narrow demographic segments rather than satisfying needs. Why do so many marketers try to understand the consumer rather than the job? One reason may be purely historical: In some of the markets in which the tools of modern market research were formulated and tested, such as feminine hygiene or baby care, the job was so closely aligned with the customer demographic that if you understood the customer, you would also understand the job. This coincidence is rare, however. All too frequently, marketers’ focus on the customer causes them to target phantom needs.

How to Raise Your Firm’s Financial IQ

If your goal is to have a financially intelligent workplace or department, your first step is to figure out a strategy for getting there.

IT Directions ’06

If you thought 2006 would spell an end to compliance issues, think again.

Latest employee perk: College admissions aid

"It’s all geared at attracting and retaining the best"

The Art of Branding

#4. # Apply the opposite test.