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VISIONTECH360 Selected to Guide University of Washington iSchool Through 2015

"The University of Washington iSchool faculty is recognized for leadership in information technology innovation," said VISIONTECH360 President Dr. Bill Gillis. "It is an honor to be selected to design the technology and research processes that will guide their strategic direction."

Tech giant EMC thinks even bigger about Seattle

Seattle’s going to be EMC’s fastest-growing research and development center, outpacing the growth of centers in North Carolina and Silicon Valley and its headquarters in Hopkinton, Mass., near Boston.

West Corp. to hire 250 for Spokane call center

Driving the growth has been continued expansion by three major clients, Pleiss said. Those are a wireless carrier, a major grocery company and a financial services company. West Corp. hired about 190 workers in September 2010.

Boeing and Microsoft boom, but Washington State busts

"I’m beginning to get a little tired of going in there and trying to put a smiley face on bad news," Raha says. "I don’t even try anymore. Now people are just afraid every time I show up for a meeting."

Indian tech giant comes to Redmond, hiring hundreds

"We appreciate that HCL has recognized the value of Washington, which is home to an established business climate, highly trained technology professionals and an excellent quality of life." Gov. Chris Gregoire

Luring tourists to Washington state becomes private effort

This summer, cash-strapped Washington became the only state in the nation to close its tourism office. Now, a private group of tourism boosters is trying to promote Washington state to visitors.

The future is in Moses Lake, WA

The future was on display in Moses Lake with the grand opening of a new state-of-the-art carbon fiber manufacturing plant.

BMW plant opening hailed in Moses Lake, Washington

Drawn to the region by cheap hydropower and Washington state’s renewable energy efforts, the SGL Automotive Carbon Fibers plant could become the largest facility of its kind in the world because of strong demand for the composites.

How Seattle Set Out to Create a Biotech Hub and Fostered a Global Health Nexus

Where our city, and the South Lake Union neighborhood in particular are "punching above our weight" is in our contribution to global health.

Innovate Washington

Innovate Washington will implement Washington’s sector focused economic
development strategy.