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15 smart questions to ask yourself before seeking funding for your business

Seeking capital to fund growth can come with strings attached, so it’s important to ask yourself and your investors the right questions.

Eruption: How Human Development Is Degrading The American Serengeti – Please support The American Prairie Reserve

Big blowups: Stunning visuals from Google Earth show how private land development and resource extraction on public lands are harming wildlife in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

The secret to happy, healthy homes? Universal childcare

Having a stable home, or even being able to afford one, requires stable childcare—something COVID-19 cast in sharp relief. The question now is what to do about it.

Low Birth Rates May Not Be a Deciding Factor for Rural Populations

What rural America may be missing in births it could potentially make up for with current migration patterns.

As Venture Dollars Grow, Steve Case Sees A Larger Landscape For Entrepreneurs in Underserved and Secondary Markets in the US

“The Rise of the Rest does not presume California will fall, just that there is more opportunity outside of just Silicon Valley,” Case said.

Why workers are calling BS on leaders about returning to the office

Workforce scholars find that employees are feeling burned over broken work-from-home promises and corporate culture ‘BS’ as employers try to bring them back to the office.

‘Marshall Plan for Indian Country’: Wave of federal money flows to reservations

This summer, Indian Country will receive the largest infusion of federal money in the history of the United States.

How cities, states, and tribes can boost entrepreneurship via the American Rescue Plan

While a significant amount of attention has rightfully gone to the $350 billion in flexible funding provided to states, counties, cities, and tribes in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan (ARP), this historic bill also contains an important separate investment aimed at supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Is the U.S. suffering from a labor shortage? If so, capitalism has an answer.

The idea that the United States suffers from a labor shortage is fast becoming conventional wisdom. But before you accept the idea, it’s worth taking a few minutes to think it through.

How to Avoid Giving Up Too Much Equity, Too Early

Don’t waste your equity. Hang onto it by developing a business plan that will preserve cash, build sales, and keep majority ownership of your startup in your own hands.