Washington State Business

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Inventory of Unreclaimed Mine Land Grows More Dangerous and Expensive

A new study shows that the cost of abandoned mine cleanup might be as much as double the old estimation, reaching close to $26 billion. But the cleanup coffers meant to keep the environment and human health intact are almost empty.

As World Runs Short of Workers, a Boost for Wages—and Inflation

In the two largest economies, plunging birthrates and aging populations squeeze the labor supply

Air pollution from US meat production causes 16,000 deaths annually

“We spend a lot of time thinking about how the food we consume impacts our health, but the food we eat impacts other people’s as well,” said Nina Domingo, lead author of the new study.

Remote work made digital nomads possible. The pandemic made them essential

Special visas. Free Vaccines. Tax breaks. Countries around the world are courting a new class of human capital that wants to mix travel and work forever.

To Kickstart a Downtown Comeback, Cities Bet on Tourism

“We’re kind of emerging after the fire has blown over the woods and forest,” he says. “Everyone is re-emerging and rebuilding. How do you plan for this, you know?”

Experts predicting wave of resignations as people return to workplaces

That’s for two reasons.

Montana leaders continue to fight against size increase for ‘metropolitan’ status

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is considering a change that would increase the size of a metropolitan statistical area from 50,000 residents to 100,000.

Rural Workforce Innovation Network (RWIN) Workshops in May!

This network represents governmental entities, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses that are actively working to improve workforce development in their local communities.

Today’s TED Talk – The case for co-ops, the invisible giant of the economy

Think capitalism is broken? Try cooperativism, says co-op enthusiast and researcher Anu Puusa. She lays out how cooperatives — businesses owned, operated and controlled by their members — can both make money and have a positive impact on the environment and local communities. With co-ops, Puusa says, doing good business and doing good at the same time becomes possible.

The Case for Letting People Work From Home Forever

Do you want happier, productive, more engaged, and more fulfilled employees and coworkers? Well, you should campaign to let them work remotely. Here’s why.