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You could look it up: He changed the world – Wikipedia

Eye of the storm: A popular online information source, Wikipedia has been at the center of a number of controversies

U.S. Wireless Networks to Become the Next Dumb Pipes, Says Study

Could lead to dramatic decreases in the price per megabyte of mobile data, and wireless carriers could lose control of the services they carry.

America’s Top Digital Counties Ranked for Exceptional Use of Technology

"In today’s world, technology is essential for effective and efficient government," said NACo Executive Director Larry E. Naake. "County governments realize this and are using technology in new ways to improve the delivery of services to Americans. The Digital Counties Survey illustrates the innovation being pursued by counties across the country."

MTA Commentary: Municipal Broadband Networks: sounds good; doesn’t work

Governments can do a lot of good things for us. Running broadband networks, it turns out, is not one of them.

Governors are fair-weather Facebook friends

With nearly 12 million computer users under the age of 24 hooked into Facebook alone, according to Internet information provider comScore, some political experts say that abandoning the youthful digital terrain could come at a cost to politicians.

New rules could rock wireless world

"Whoever wins this spectrum has to provide … truly open broadband network — one that will open the door to a lot of innovative services for consumers,"

USDA Announces Availability of $8.9 Million in Broadband Grants

"The Community Connect Grant Program has proved to be effective in reaching those rural communities where broadband service is least likely to be deployed."

Qwest asks FCC to shift $500 million to rural Web access

Qwest wants federal regulators to shift about $500 million from a wireless subsidy fund to support high-speed Internet projects in rural areas across the country.

The Cult of the Amateur: How Today’s Internet Is Killing Our Culture. Reflections on a new monkey business

If infinite monkeys were equipped with infinite typewriters, eventually some of them would write masterpieces comparable to those of Shakespeare, Plato and Adam Smith.

Citywide digital campaign is urged. Chicago told to look beyond connectivity

Called the "City That Networks," the report said that rather than merely seeking to close the digital divide that separates cyberspace haves from have-nots, the city should pursue digital excellence, which Stasch defined as "universal, active and meaningful participation" in the digital world.