Social Media, Connectivity & Communications

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Inventors’ device blocks cell use around driver

"I witness it every day on the road, and I just thought, ‘There has to be a way that you can prevent this electronically.’

FCC studies goal of nationwide affordable, fast Internet

"If we’re talking about the Internet as infrastructure, the bar (on speed) has to be pretty high."

New Australia National Broadband Network Announced

Why can’t our country be as bold?

Google Voice routes calls from multiple lines, transcribes voice mail, and gives you one phone number for life.

Call it the "one number to rule them all" service. Google Voice

Can Wi-Fi Be a Moneymaker for Government?

Augusta, Ga., recently implemented a municipal Wi-Fi strategy that may finally prove financially workable for both governments and partnering vendors.

A primer on Twitter

‘RT’ and ‘@’ and ‘#’ – oh my! Before you tweet, learn the new slang that surrounds microblogging.

Coke is #2 Facebook Site with 3,310,209 fans

It is second only to Obama, but it is not a
site sponsored by Coke according to the Facebook folks.

Talks Tim Berners-Lee: The next Web of open, linked data

With all due respect, I hope that he finds a few more things that cause him some frustration. Keep up the great work!

Google Gets Into Behavioral Targeting, Launches “Interest-Based Advertising” Beta

Google today is launching a form of behavioral targeting advertising named Interest-Based Advertising. Interest-Based Advertising allows advertisers to deliver ads based on hundreds of interest categories and previous interactions with those users.

$3.02 per minute is what the average cell phone user pays

When you do the math, you find the average cellphone customer actually pays more than $3 per minute, according to a report being issued this week by the Utility Consumers’ Action Network, a San Diego consumer advocacy group.