Regional Economic Development

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State & Local Sourcebook

The Sourcebook is still the definitive resource for contact information on state and local decision makers, and still contains essential data in 10 categories.

Bridging Rural America’s Digital Divide. The Wiring of Rural America

We want high speed two-way interactive transmission because communication in the digital age should be from each to all. We are supposed to be moving away from the standards where big networks communicate down to the little people. The emphasis on downstream is all wrong. The small business or the family farmer in Canton, Ohio should be able to communicate just as effectively upstream as the big business in Cleveland, Ohio . . . and that means send and receive (upstream and downstream) capability.

New Development In Scenic West Creates Catastrophic Fire Risk

"Federal agencies at the front lines of defending these new communities from peril are starting to say enough is enough is becoming too expensive to protect with so many people pushing up against the fringes."

One County’s Plan for the Future – New Report Describes Pinal County’s Choices for a Livable, Competitive Future

“The Future at Pinal sets the stage for the most significant planning process Pinal County has ever done. Morrison Institute’s report describes our challenges and presents significant ideas to deal with them.

Impatient to Change the No-growth State of Employment for People With Disabilities:

The issues of employment for people with disabilities and the problems around that issue are deep and severe. I don’t think the current situation can be blamed on the ADA. The ADA has had a profound impact on the quality of our lives over the past seventeen years.

The Gentrification Of Rural America

"This land belongs to you and me." Somehow, I don’t think it was meant to be sung by a chorus of hedge fund operators.

How To Handle Globalization

States and Regions must fine tune their employment policies. In a nutshell: Reduce barriers for start-ups and expansion, promote worker mobility, upgrade people’s skills and provide adequate income support. They all point to helping companies adapt to a changing competitive environment.

Competitive Regional Clusters: National Policy Approaches

Cluster-based innovation strategies in Europe

Streetcars Seeding Economic Development Across U.S.

While some decry streetcars as expensive and inefficient, evidence is building in cities across the U.S. that the systems can serve as powerful boons to economic development.

Regional Competition Reigns

States and localities are vital to U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. They are major investors in work force training through funding of public schools, community, and technical colleges and universities.