Next Generation Broadband in Montana

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Increasing broadband connectivity a key to economic growth

The center is a state program focused on mapping available broadband services and promoting the development of additional infrastructure

Chattanooga and Other Cities Are Doing Broadband for Themselves

What does a city like Chattanooga do when Comcast says extending broadband access just isn’t profitable enough?

A need for speed: Missoula County Public Schools project adds 21 miles of fiber under Missoula

But while it’s not visible, the project will have an immediate and noticeable impact in classrooms.

What’s slowing down efforts to speed up Missoula’s internet?

"Do we have the speed? Do we have competitive options at a variety of price levels? And do we have the reliability? I think in all three of those areas we are lacking." Missoula City Councilman Bryan von Lossberg

Conquering Montana’s Divide – Montana’s broadband network growing at unprecedented pace, transforming rural communities

In this report you’ll learn how the nine
members of the Montana Telecommunications
Association are working to bring state-of-the-art
broadband internet, digital telephony, video,
wireless and other telecommunications
products and services to Montana’s rural
schools, businesses, residents, and emergency
and health care services. Together, we are
connecting Montana.

Experts convene at broadband workshop in Missoula to discuss internet access issues

"While there’s definitely been progress in expanding broadband access in Montana and surrounding states, we realize there are still some who cannot access reliable broadband." "While there’s definitely been progress in expanding broadband access in Montana and surrounding states, we realize there are still some who cannot access reliable broadband." Angela Simpson, the deputy assistant secretary of the NTIA

3 Ways Governments Are Working to Make Broadband Universally Accessible

Here’s how a city, a state and a school district are working to make sure everyone has access.

Analysis: New Use of Wireless Holds Promise for Rural Broadband

Lower costs, quicker installation, and the potential of hybrid wired and wireless networks are some of the reasons.

How ‘wireless fiber’ can give us blazing Internet with no cables

– Internet service providers are beginning to test a new technology that has the potential to greatly change how we get Internet access.

‘Wireless fiber’ could give us gigabit Internet speeds with no cables at all

Imagine if you could take the convenience of cellular data and combine it with the superfast download speeds associated with fixed, wired broadband. What might that look like?