Next Generation Broadband in Montana

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How Chattanooga, Bristol, and Lafayette Built the Best Broadband in America

The fastest networks in the nation are built by local governments, a new report by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and Benton Foundation reveals

Important Economic Development Meeting (GigaPOP in Missoula) With Ronan Telephone Co. 3/20, 4 P.m.

Ronan Telephone Company is building a network that would meet many of the needs hoping to fill with a GigaPOP.

The Monopoly Magnate Helps Big Cable to Ban Community Networks in Georgia

"Sit back and ask yourself why you’re paying so much money every month for the rotten service you get from Comcast and AT&T. Ask your friends, ask around work; is anyone really happy with their broadband service? Do you think you’re getting a good deal for the price?"

Telecom Firms Seek to Curb Publicly Funded Web Services

Sensing a threat to their business model, telecom companies are pushing more states to curb the spread of publicly funded high-speed Internet access, arguing the networks could squash competition.

Do Big Cities Avoid Muni Broadband?

"Seattle and Chicago are looking around and basically saying, ‘If we’re the last ones to get really high-quality access to the internet, then we’re really going to be screwed,’

10 Reasons To Be More Optimistic About Broadband Than Susan Crawford Is

Susan Crawford thinks she sees the future of the Internet–and it isn’t pretty: Cable companies monopolizing broadband, charging too much, withholding content and keeping speeds low, all in order to suppress disruptive innovation.

Broadband Stimulus Hearing Turns Contentious

Strickling strongly made the point that even if broadband exists, it may be of an inadequate speed and capacity to handle a rural school of 1,000 students which requires 100 Mpbs.

You Don’t Want Super-High-Speed Internet, Says Time Warner Cable

Experts believe that this reluctance has less to do with a lack of customer demand and more to do with protecting high margin broadband businesses.

Erie puts off pursuit of high-speed municipal broadband service

Erie’s elected leaders decided Tuesday night not to move ahead with a detailed analysis of what a townwide high-speed broadband network might look like, instead opting to survey residents first to gauge their level of interest in such a venture.

Community Broadband Networks

At, we provide resources for those joining the movement to build broadband networks that are directly accountable to the communities they serve. Case studies, fact sheets, and video are some of the media we offer to help leaders make decisions about community owned networks.