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TechLink helps the Department of Defense to commercialize leading-edge new technology by partnering DoD labs with private sector companies for technology licensing, transfer, and research and development

360networks upset winner for Touch America assets

360networks, the Vancouver, B.C., company that Touch America hand-picked, is the winning bidder after all to buy the Montana corporation’s fiber-optic assets. By JAN FALSTAD Of The Gazette Staff It was a surprise twist to…

RightNow Technologie’s (Bozeman) "eService Center" improves the customer support systems of Skechers USA

Fancy Email-Management Footwork A multichannel strategy helped the $943 million company build a massive consumer catalog division with 25 million recipients worldwide by 2001. by David Myron From CRM Magazine August 2003 (Thanks to…

Western Plant Breeders, Inc., (Bozeman) and Goertzen Seed Research, Inc. (Kansas) form new company

Bozeman-based Western Plant Breeders, Inc. and Haven, Kansas-based Goertzen Seed Research, Inc. have formed WestBred, LLC, a joint venture aimed at developing and distributing enhanced small grains varieties. (Many thanks to Kent Norby…

New chamber to focus on private enterprise

"It is my hope that the Chamber of Private Enterprise will become an organization that is highly respected to speak out on economic issues and key questions of what government on the local level should and should not be doing," Koopman said. "I also hope that we are feared by those who would threaten our freedom."

Hot Springs man makes gravel gold and builds a nationally recognized company in a rural community

(This is an excellent example of why bringing in entrepreneurs who can develop new companies and business models is a major opportunity for rural communities. Take a look at for a model that brings back the best and the brightest.- Russ)

Montana’s power failure – High-tech meltdown meant doom for Touch America

"I think Montana Power has always had disproportionate political influence in this state," said Bob Rowe, a Montana utilities commissioner who voted against deregulation. "It very badly wanted this and was able to line up people to support it."

Governor joins brewer in celebrating completion of barley elevator in Sidney

Sidney has always had a resilient spirit. The people of this area have never been afraid of hard work and sacrifice. This facility once again proves that eastern Montana has the characteristics that are needed to ensure economic success.

Governor Martz Appoints Montana Economic Development Advisory Council

Governor Judy Martz appointed fifteen members of a newly created advisory council that will provide advice to the Martz Administration concerning economic development matters in Montana. The council will also offer advice regarding microbusiness finance…

Moody’s upgrades MSU’s bond rating

Citing an increased student demand, solid financial management and a bright outlook, Moody’s Investors Services has upgraded its rating of Montana State University bonds to A2 from an A3. The upgrade came as Moody’s reviewed…

Livingston printer pays software fine

The settlement came after a self-audit revealed more copies of Adobe and Microsoft software programs on the printing company’s computers than it had licenses to support.