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TechLink helps the Department of Defense to commercialize leading-edge new technology by partnering DoD labs with private sector companies for technology licensing, transfer, and research and development

Maverick Angels Goes Virtual

The new virtual angel network will allow accredited investors to watch videos of and assess entrepreneur presentations online, and collaborate virtually to make investments.

SME drops coal plant plans – focus to switch to wind energy and natural gas

Tim Gregori on Monday issued a statement on a Billings radio station saying that SME will drop all coal-related construction plans at Highwood.

Frontier Communications celebrates fiber optic line from Troy to Libby, Montana

During a celebratory ribbon-cutting ceremony on Tuesday, Frontier Communications had a clear message – proactive telecommunications infrastructure lays the foundation for economic development.

Montana Ambassador Arne Siegel awarded the " Ableson Award for Visionary Leadership" by the SAE Foundation. – Education Equals Economic Vitality.

One of the gifts Arne
and Steffi have made to the SAE Foundation
is an endowed fund to support the expansion
of "A World in Motion" (AWIM) throughout Montana and eventually
throughout the Rocky Mountain rural

Montana’s Housing Board is honored by Rocky Mountain Development Council for its role in the completion of Eagles Manor III in Helena

When completed in 2009, the entire project budget for Eagles I, II and III will be close to $20 million and will deliver 140 safe, comfortable, quality, accessible apartment units dedicated to housing low and moderate income seniors, age 62 and over, as well as other adults with special needs.

Entrepreneurs: Startup, "Sagebrush Sirens" weathers ups, downs in Red Lodge, Montana

Your best business decisions?

Without a doubt it was the creation of the Web site.

REC Silicon looking at $1Billion "clean coal" power plant in Butte, Montana

The entire project would cost "well north of $1 billion," Topaz said, and if built would employ up to 160 people permanently and create more than 700 temporary construction jobs.

Novel Kalispell, Montana based startup, Great Northern Solar banks on ‘smart grid’

Great Northern Solar will need solar engineers, people with experience in manufacturing, business-minded accountants, marketing specialists, public officials to act as a liaison, Web developers, legal eagles, administrators, researchers who know something about timing and building site development and the like.

Richland County, Montana residents discuss goals for expanding economic base

“If we don’t draw in something beyond oil companies, it can be devastating,” Richland Opportunities Inc. director Cindy Eleson said.

Stimson Lumber Co. agrees to sell Bonner mill site to Scott Cooney’s Montana Improvement Company.

Cooney said he plans to use the site for diverse small industry and education enterprises, including a concrete science program for the University of Montana’s College of Technology.