Montana Business

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Please Support This GoFundMe Campaign- There’s a New Dog in Montana and It’s Here To Clean Up E-Waste – Oreo’s Refining

Montana currently ships electronic waste to other states which profit, while Montana loses potential revenue. Providing in-state recycling keeps money in Montana and prevents environmental degradation.

Bozeman, Montana – This out-of-the-way town is fast becoming a start-up hub

Yeah, it’s Bozeman and it’s attracting start-ups.

Longtime hotel operators from Watford City take a stake in the Williston market

While it might not be everyone’s idea to buy a hotel while occupancy is hovering at just under 40 percent, Mulder is quick to point out the advice of famous financial gurus that the right time to buy is when there’s fear on the streets.

Name aside (Doner Trump), new food truck, and its owner, worth a look

One of the newest food trucks in Billings has generated a lot of discussion, and it hasn’t been about the food.

Montana businesses competing in the ‘Age of Amazon’

It’s a challenging time to be in the retail business in this "Age of Amazon". Brick and mortar stores are trying to stay afloat as people shop more with their phones than their feet.

Montana ranks 12th overall as a good state for working moms and 8th best for professional opportunities

WalletHub also ranks Montana high when it comes to the female to male executive ratio, ranking fifth best in the nation.

A new Montana cowboy aims to change the way you eat – "Chocolate Chirp Cookies"

Just beyond the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport is a small farm that has the Gallatin Valley chirping and one family changing the way we eat.

Training is Great! Efficient Process Design is Even Better!

Sure, you train your people to do their jobs–after all, that’s what you hired them to do, right? But what about the design of the job you?ve asked them to do? Has the job been…

Eye On Tech, 05/16, Missoula

We hope to facilitate a meaningful conversation between those tech folks and Missoula businesses to understand how to best help each other.

Coworking space with Mamalode available in fabulous downtown Missoula by the river.

I’m in love with our office . Downtown. By the river trail (and caras park), wave, yoga and surrounded by restaurants (ahem, The Notorious PIG BBQ, I love you.)