Montana Ambassadors

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Gorgeous 3D Printed Bathrooms for Remote Locations from Denizen Washrooms

Beautiful modern bathrooms anywhere.

Billings First Public Restroom Ribbon Cutting – Big Sky Economic Development

Wood’s Powr-Grip Awarded SBA Montana Legacy Award

Celebrating 40 Years of the Mansfield Legacy New Mansfield Book; Associated Community Events

As we celebrate 40 years of the Mansfield Legacy of bipartisanship and ethical leadership, we are delighted to highlight the publication of Mansfield and Dirksen: Bipartisan Giants of the Senate, written by historian, author, and Mansfield Advisory Board member Marc Johnson.

Big issues at the forefront as Great Falls sorts out how it will grow

Burgeoning concerns about public safety and housing taking center stage in city commission, mayoral elections.

Rising Stars to offer evening, weekend child care in Bozeman with $1 million state grant

Rising Stars’ day program is 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Uptown Butte Association looking for feedback on possible business improvement district

A BID in Butte would allow business owners to work together and find common goals or tasks to breathe new life into their area of the city, said Shanna Adams, president of the Uptown Butte Masterplan Association. 

Glacier National Park tourism contributes $548M to local economy

A recently released report details just how much money Glacier National Park pumps into the local economy.

7 Remote Work Myths: Separating Fact From Fiction

There are many misconceptions surrounding being a remote worker. Here are some of the myths:

State utility regulators seek input on Northwestern Energy’s energy plan

State regulators on the Public Service Commission are hosting five listening sessions throughout the state to seek input on the next three-year outlook of Northwestern Energy’s plan.

Must-Read Wharton Faculty Authors: Preparing for Leadership | Erika James

Crises will come, but well-prepared leaders can weather the storm. In this episode, Wharton Dean Erika James shares insights from her new book on crisis management.