Miscellaneous Ramblings

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Finding Humor in Meat Patents

When Daniel Wright needs new comedic material, he turns to an unlikely source: the website of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The Art of Sucking Down – Just think about it….

The ability to suck up to the folks who don’t have big titles but make the world run is more useful.

From health hazard to humus. Innovative composting project successfully deals with valley’s roadkilled deer…"There’s a dead skunk in the middle of the road…"

If life throws you a lemon, you can always make lemonade. But what if life throws you more than 500 roadkilled deer?

Earth Hurtles Toward 6.5 Billion

If we want to support individuals indefinitely — allotting each person 3,500 calories per day from wheat and 247,000 gallons per year of fresh water — the planet has room for only about 5 billion people.

Ordinary People Have Best Ideas

Peter Skidmore, a program manager from Seattle, has officially come up with the best idea since sliced bread.

"Where’s George?" Web game that monitors geographic circulation of dollar bills used to forecast diffusion of a virus

Since money, like viruses, is transported from person to person, place to place, researchers feel that this model is the best way to track the movement of people.

101 Dumbest Moments in Business

13. The furor dies down, but only after Sony says that the real intent was to prevent the spread of the malicious Celine Dion virus.

Scientists Find Gene That Controls Type of Earwax in People

Earwax may not play a prominent part in human history but at least a small role for it has now been found by a team of Japanese researchers.

Ben’s frank advice is still timely

He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.

Is Your Computer Killing You?

Read on for the top ten ways computing can hurt you — but watch your posture, OK?