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Mayors of Montana towns continue protest of MDU rate request

Proposal from MDU would mean 19.2% more for residential customers

Housing market recession? Not likely. Prepare for hot post-pandemic prices

Despite rising costs, 33% of homes on the market had multiple offers.

GFDA Releases new Economic Development Strategy

The new Economic Development Strategy has four strategic areas of focus: People, Place, Opportunities, and Team.

As Downtowns Struggle, Businesses Learn to Love Bike Lanes

From Manhattan to San Francisco, the need to rethink the urban core is encouraging business improvement districts to change their tune on prioritizing cars. 

What’s Ahead for U.S. Real Estate? A Midyear Update

Wharton’s Susan Wachter predicts a rise in home prices but sees dim days ahead for commercial real estate.

Affordable housing rentals remain, but homeless challenges persist in Missoula

“We’re operating without a plan right now,” said Houseless Programs Manager Emily Armstrong. “(We are) without a strategy as our 10-year-plan ended.”

Missoulians share struggles with finding and providing child care

The barriers to finding child care and providing in Missoula it are connected in many ways.

How To Protect Your Home From Wildfires

Every year hundreds of homes and structures are destroyed by wildfire. As we enter the peak of wildfire season, we wanted to keep you informed on how to protect your home from wildfires and keep your family safe.

Whitefish Considers Asking Voters to Divert Portion of Resort Tax to Meet Housing Needs

City council could hold a public hearing on the potential ballot question in early August; reallocation could generate $27 million for community housing over a 20-year period

Democratic lawmakers call for special session to enact Montana tax relief measures

“After dragging their feet and doing nothing on property taxes for the 90-day legislative session, Democrats now want to come back to Helena, eat lobbyists’ steak dinners and waste taxpayer resources all to do nothing again,” spokesperson Kaitlin Price said in an email.