Education News

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Speaker urges Idaho to invest more in education

"Companies that come here because it’s a low-cost community, will be looking for the next low-cost community four years later," Barlow said.

New law will educate Montanans on misunderstood minority. American Indians

Soon Montana students will begin to learn more about our misunderstood minority, as Indian education for all becomes a reality.

Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future, highlights the need for more investment in long-term basic research and in K-12 science and math education.

Although many people assume that United States will
always be a world leader in science and technology, this may not continue to be the case inasmuch
as great minds and ideas exist throughout the world. We fear the abruptness with which
a lead in science and technology can be lost—and the difficulty of recovering a lead once lost,
if indeed it can be regained at all.

Survey: Teens Predict Gasoline-Powered Cars Obsolete by 2015

"Perhaps more than any preceding generation, today’s young people are completely comfortable with rapid technological change," Lemelson-MIT Program Director Merton Flemings said. "The rate of innovation, as reflected in U.S. patent applications, has more than doubled during their lifetime."

Integrated learning big hit on University of Great Falls campus. Students are calling it one of their most exciting classroom experiences at the college.

Students enrolled in the class don’t read books and take tests to regurgitate what they read.

Apple’s iTunes expands service to universities

"Our students are digital natives. We seek to meet our students where they are, and iTunes is the interface that most of our students are already familiar with,"

Pinedale, Wyoming schools try to give money away

This school year the district will collect $67 million more in property taxes than the $7 million it is guaranteed for school operations under the state’s K-12 funding formula.

Public-School Students Score Well in Math in Large-Scale Government Study

The 2003 test was given to 10 times more students than any previous test, giving researchers a trove of new data.

Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer angers education groups

"If the governor really believes he’s done, he’s the only one who thinks he’s at the finish line that I know of," said Lance Melton, executive director of the Montana School Boards Association.

Early education essential, pays off

Many believe in one specific education and economic development strategy that will, by itself, do more than any other strategy to break the cycle of poverty as well as optimize future economic growth in the United States.

That strategy is to invest significantly in quality early education and preschool programs.