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Atlanta Looks To Portland For Ideas – Transportation officials from Georgia take a journey to Portland, OR to find inspiration for anti-sprawl strategies for the greater Atlanta region.

Portland: No sprawl allowed

Unlike Atlanta, city grew inward, not out

O Pioneers! Reversing the Great Plains drain – With a New Homestead Act before Congress, one small Nebraska town has already taken strides toward revival.

For others like the Lattas, the New Homestead Act could offer a shot at returning home, and staying afloat financially. Meanwhile, small towns must do their part to build for the future, says Bernt. "If you stop acting like a town, you’ll stop being a town."

Community Development and Smart Growth: Would be Collaborators?

A new paper from the Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities discusses some of the reasons why the community development and smart growth movements have not been natural collaborators in the past.…

The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings

This October 2003 report is an extensive cost benefit analysis of green building. It demonstrates conclusively that sustainable building is a cost-effective investment, and its findings should encourage communities across the country to “build green.”

Big Builder Provides Car-Free Housing Innovation

An outwardly conventional apartment complex in Orange County does not clamor for attention in the same way as an architectural milestone like Frank Gehry’s Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles. But it might…

Wranglers, researchers conduct annual Bison Range roundup

But the roundup is as popular as ever. Hundreds of schoolchildren from throughout western Montana watched the roundup, weighing and branding Tuesday, oohing and aahing as the biggest bulls fought back.

Playing the game of growth – Board game highlights Missoula’s planning issues

If you ever suspected Mayor Mike Kadas was playing games with the fate of Missoula, you’re right. Debate over density bonuses, open space, travel corridors and doughnut areas can leave citizens in a fog of government acronyms. To better bring the choices alive, Kadas has been designing a board game for anyone with an opinion to plan the future of the valley.

A new challenge Post-Badenoch, redevoloping the Missoula Redevelopment Agency

Two weeks ago, Badenoch announced his January retirement, saying simply that he was ready to try something new. After working for the MRA since 1982, and serving as director since 1985, Badenoch walks away from a downtown his agency helped revitalize.

Utah companies engage in business of helping the community

A lot can happen when more than 2,200 people working for 87 Utah companies take paid time off as they did Friday to participate in community service projects in Salt Lake City, Tooele and Summit counties for the United Way of Salt Lake.

Old-Style ballparks, fronting on urban streets, spur in-city living

In metropolitan areas that have the taste and money to pursue urban pleasures, ballparks of this sort have helped generate vibrant mixed-use districts.