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Happy Earth Day – Why the intense U.S. drought is now a megadrought

The water keeps going down.

New Missoula family housing project in need of volunteers

MIC is looking for a variety of volunteers to help with day-to-day and special operations at the center.

Montana’s first community-owned brewery brings fresh life to downtown Ronan

Community members in Ronan came together in 2016 to gather ideas on how to revitalize downtown and now, five years later, they have their own brewery.

Montana Governor Gianforte signs law killing affordable-housing program in Bozeman, Whitefish

Builders opposed requirement for affordable homes

Is universal basic income closer to reality? Cities are already testing monthly checks for residents

Guaranteed income has become more critical in the longer-term as the nation’s gig economy spawns a growing population of freelance and contract workers who don’t receive benefits and whose income fluctuates from week to week

Prize-winning business idea from Rapelje, Montana students brings drone exhibition to town

“Our goal for the Drone and Data Exhibition was to demonstrate how business and education can partner on work-based learning opportunities that develop in demand workforce readiness skills; and support the career technical education (CTE) that our students need for success in the information age.”

Coding for Kids offers classes for kids of all ages in the Stevensville, Montana area

The camps provide training and give opportunities to open doors for high tech-careers for both boys and girls.

This bike trailer just made it way easier to ditch your car

The Biomega Ein makes carrying loads of groceries or carting your kids around a breeze.

Can the Story of “Our Towns” Help Us Go Beyond Red States Versus Blue States?

Deb and James Fallows have visited dynamic, diverse communities across America and they say rural areas and small towns often “lead the way in essential humanity.”

Missoula County, Montana to give 5% preference to minority, women-owned businesses

“This has been a long time coming,” Wall said. “What this is trying to do is take a system that has unequal outcomes for certain groups of people and create a level playing field for those folks as far as procurement and getting government contracts.”