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Crosswalks, roundabouts in Bozeman getting new signs to explain light patterns – How about in your community?

“If you have not seen them, the pattern of the lights begin with flashing yellow, followed by a solid yellow to warn drivers to prepare to stop. Solid red is next indicating you need to stop and remain stopped. The final pattern is a flashing red light which should be treated like a stop sign.”

Advocates pushing for more tourism promotion in eastern Montana

Tourism has come back better in Montana than the rest of the country, according to Montana Lodging and Hospitality Association (MLHA).

The association wants to make sure the Legislature allocates enough of the bed tax money to go toward marketing Billings and the rest of eastern Montana.

President Joe Biden just signed an international climate treaty. And Mitch McConnell voted for it.

The US is now committed to phasing out HFCs, a class of powerful greenhouse gases.

The US housing shortage is ‘awful’ and will likely get worse with no apparent end in sight

How dire is the decades long housing shortage in the United States? 

Last Saturday for Missoula’s Clark Fork Market

Big Sky Commerce encourages you to stop by the last Clark Fork Market this Saturday before they retire for winter! We are proud to say we have worked with the Clark Fork River Market for twelve years to provide secure transactions between vendors and customers. Thanks for a great season!

Montana report shows 62% of occupations that require post-secondary education are undersupplied

Our unemployment rate sits now just below 3%, which is a very tight labor market. Employers throughout the state are reporting difficulty hiring and finding qualified applicants,” says State Economist with the Montana Department of Labor & Industry, Amy Watson.

Governor Gianforte pushes trades education, more construction as fixes for Montana housing crunch

Standing in front of a luxury apartment complex under construction in Bozeman Thursday, Gov. Greg Gianforte touted his efforts to address Montana’s housing affordability crunch by promoting new residential development.

Vermont’s Community-Based Broadband Solutions Get a Boost from American Rescue Plan

The 2018 Vermont gubernatorial election pitted incumbent Governor Phil Scott (R-VT) against challenger Christine Hallquist (D-VT). Previous to the election, Hallquist spent 12 years as the chief executive of the Vermont Electric Cooperative, an in-state power utility that she helped to bring back from near ruin. Expanding fiber infrastructure and increasing internet access in Vermont formed a centerpiece of her campaign. Governor Scott was reelected, but—demonstrating his moderate, bipartisan approach—appointed Hallquist to be executive director of the newly formed Vermont Community Broadband Board in 2021. He realized that Hallquist was “absolutely the right person” for the job.

Carbon investments backed by AI and satellite data – ‘Biochar’ incinerator tested for forest thinning, soil enhancement

A fintech platform helps farmers attract investment in carbon credits for regeneration projects

Five more nuclear plants on the horizon for Wyoming, Utah

A second wave of advanced nuclear reactors could be coming to Wyoming.