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How to impress an interviewer with non-verbal language

Non-verbal language can send volumes of information about you in a matter of seconds and without being aware of it you could be sending red flags before a single word is ever spoken.

Job changes: How to avoid raising red flags when switching jobs

"Job hopping has its positive side as well as its negative side."

Some Oil Workers Without Jobs Are Looking to Solar for Employment

Eighty thousand workers have been laid off across the country as the price of oil has plummeted.

TED Talk – Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work

We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards?

Ready for another career? How to go back to school and save money.

If returning to school and changing careers is on your agenda, here are three helpful tips to make the transition more financially feasible.

7 Resume Mistakes That Make You Look Really Unprofessional

Ever wondered why you never heard back from that dream position?

Mindfulness Coaching: Start with Your Own Journey

With these practical techniques in her mental toolkit, she was able to recognize that her clenched jaw and raised shoulders meant stress and how to shift out of that.

Graduating and Looking for Your Passion? Just Be Patient

It takes time to develop a direction that feels so in-the-bones right that you never want to veer from it.

Billy Crystal’s Muhammad Ali tribute – 15 Rounds (1979)


Career Coach: Staying calm under pressure tells a lot about a leader

Recently, a colleague reminded me of a fundamental lesson when selecting and evaluating leaders.