21st Century Education Initiative - "You Should Care..."

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The Raising of America: Are We Crazy About Our Kids?

Is Inequality Making Us Sick? explores how a strong start for all our kids leads not only to better individual life course outcomes (learning, earning and physical and mental health) but also to a healthier, safer, better educated and more prosperous and equitable America.

U.S. schools focusing on the wrong skills

Instead of producing employees who are capable of following directions, U.S. schools should be concerned with producing entrepreneurs.

States Take Action – Students Who Struggle and Need to Take Remedial Courses Not Ready for College

When a student isn’t academically ready to tackle college courses, are remedial programs helping? There’s a growing sense among experts and lawmakers that the traditional model of remedial college education needs to change.

Chief Innovation Officers Make Their Way Into Schools

Education needs a complete makeover, some say, and chief innovation officers can help.

More Evidence That Colleges Are Giving Money to Those Who Need It Least

This confirms the results of a recent study by the New America Foundation that found that schools are increasingly using aid to lure wealthy students rather than targeting those most in need.

Colleges strengthen their K-12 partnerships

"The better you know your community, the better you know their needs and the better you serve them."

Five Numbers about Early Childhood

Five compelling facts that can be used by advocates, parents, healthcare providers, and anyone trying to improve outcomes for one child or for a community of children.

Is Your K-12 Network Ready for Next-Generation Learning?

After spending millions to put next-generation learning tools into teacher and students’ hands, districts around the country are finding their make-do networks can’t handle the increased data traffic, connections to different devices or the video scaling needs.

Keys to preventing Alzheimer’s disease

"Sometimes I think the best way to prevent Alzheimer’s is fully fund early childhood education." Steven Arnold, director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Memory Center

STEM at the Forefront of States’ Education Policy

A number of states have created STEM advisory councils under the governors’ offices