
The Montana Dept. of Commerce Needs Your Input: Survey – Can you quickly describe how your community is changing using statistics? Do you have a sense for the quantity and types of housing available in your community?




Greetings from the Montana Department of Commerce!  

Can you quickly describe how your community is changing using statistics? Do you have a sense for the quantity and types of housing available in your community?

Community Planning Platform (CPP) – Please Fill Out This Survey!

Here at Commerce, we have launched an exciting project that will transform the way we do community and economic development in Montana, and we want you to be part of it!

Last year, the Montana Department of Commerce was awarded a grant from the federal Economic Development Association to develop the Montana Community Planning Platform or the “CPP.”


What is the “CPP” you might ask?
The CPP will be a single online location where you can go to find all the current population, economic, land use and other data you need for community and economic development planning. Working across state government, we’re leveraging new technology to draw relevant data from thousands of locations into a single “platform” that will put all this information at your fingertips. No longer will you have to search countless pages on different agencies’ websites or spend time in on the phone trying to track down the information you need to put together community comprehensive plans, chart out different planning and development scenarios, or to put together business development proposals or grant applications. When the CPP is finished, this will all be on one site!


We Need Your Help!!

While we have many capable folks working to pull all this information and the technology together to make the CPP a reality, we need your input to make sure that this tool includes the information and tools you need in a way that you need to access it. We need your help! Commerce has teamed with Houseal Lavigne, a leading national urban planning and design firm, and ESRI, the premier GIS mapping & spatial analytics technology firm, to assist in development of the platform and the tools to use it. The Commerce, Houseal and Esri team have set up an informational website (available HERE) where you can find updates and relevant information about the development of the CPP available.


Please Fill Out This Survey!

We are currently conducting an online survey (available HERE ) and will be conducting in-person and virtual meetings to get as much input as we can on the design of the CPP. You have been included as a stakeholder in the development of the CPP because of your role as a community planner, developer, or policy maker.  If you would like to know more about the project or have questions, please feel free to reach out. And please forward this message on to anyone else you think should be part of the CPP development.


Thank you in advance for your help and for all your service to our state and communities!

Kindest regards,


The Commerce CPP Team

(Mary Craigle, Cody Ferguson, Dave Ritts, Galen Stephens)




T: 406.841.2742 | C: 406.431.9434 | F: 406.841.2701


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Dorsey & Whitney - An International business law firm, applying a business perspective to clients' needs in Missoula, Montana and beyond.

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