
Is Missoula supporting your priorities?

Missoula is submitting its end-of-the-year report, or its Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report, to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), and we want to hear from you!

The projects were supported by federal CDBG and HOME funds.

Did we focus on the right projects?

Are we supporting Missoula’s priorities?

By offering your feedback on the report and the activities we fund, you give HUD important context about our community and our housing priorities for future years! You can review the draft document on Engage Missoula. Public comments on the City’s proposed activities submitted by September 26, 2023, will be included in the final version of the annual CAPER submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).


The City of Missoula receives grant funds annually from the United States Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). These funds come through two separate funding streams: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). The city awards these grant funds on a competitive basis to local projects that can address local and federal objectives, which include expanding the supply of housing available to low-income families and individuals, consumer housing programs, and supporting our homeless service providers.

Let us know by commenting in the CAPER forum tab on EngageMissoula, or by emailing Karen ([email protected]) or Kendra ([email protected]).

Public comments on the City’s proposed activities submitted by September 26, 2023, will be included in the final version of the annual CAPER submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

In addition to the report, you can watch a special presentation of the outcomes during the regularly scheduled Council meeting on Monday, September 18, 2023.



Missoula County calls for public comment for 2024 voting location changes

Missoula County elections officials are taking public comment for the new 2024 polling locations plan.


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