
Biotech company Novoron to open Missoula branch in pursuit of cure for spinal injuries


By Martin Kidston


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Inimmune receives $1.8 Million Small Business Innovation Research Contract to develop novel treatments targeting Allergic Rhinitis.

“This SBIR funding will allow us to accelerate development of a novel immunotherapeutics that could help improve quality of life and relieve the social and economic burden of AR.”

Montana Biotechnology Infrastructure Proposal – A proposal to the State of Montana ARPA Commission for one-time investment in infrastructure, entrepreneurship and innovation for Montana’s rapidly expanding bioscience and technology sector.

The goal of this proposal is to leverage our collective expertise and strength, accumulated over
the last two decades as we have built the biotechnology sector in Montana. Here, we present
projects that will further accelerate the formation and growth of high-paying jobs in the science
and technology businesses, not just in one or two cities in Montana but ultimately across the
state, north to south and east to west.

Montana biotech company Inimmune Corporation receives $ 598K Small Business Innovation Research contract to advance vaccine technologies

“This award will support the discovery and development of a strong adjuvant and immunotherapy pipeline at Inimmune and will help the company advance novel treatments for some of the worlds most deadly diseases,” stated Dr. Kendal Ryter, Inimmune co-founder and VP of Product Development.

Montana Career Opportunities – Investigator (I or II) in Pharmaceutical & Formulation Science, Postdoctoral Formulations Scientist – Inimmune

The Inimmune team of scientific professionals is a group of good-natured, hardworking, fun-loving, innovative problem solvers that strive to deliver superior immunotherapeutics to improve the quality of life for all humankind. The combination of medicinal…

Missoula, Montana’s Inimmune Receives Montana Ambassador Business of the Year Award

Inimmune is emblematic of the type of startup success story that is becoming transformational for Montana’s economy.


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