
Montana Receives Nearly $120 Million to Expand Internet Access, Improve Water Systems from American Rescue Plan, Tester Announces



Funding is a part of $1.89 billion for Montana in state and local funding secured by Tester in American Rescue Plan


(Big Sandy, Mont.) – U.S. Senator Jon Tester today announced that the U.S. Department of Treasury has allocated Capital Projects Funds to Montana from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds worth $119,934,533 to help carry out critical capital projects that will directly enable work, education, and health monitoring by improving access to high-speed internet and other connectivity infrastructure.


The funding is part of $1.89 billion secured by Tester for Montana state, local, and Tribal governments to address the health and economic crisis and to plug revenue shortfalls accrued during the pandemic so localities do not have to cut critical services, and have been allocated directly to local Montana governments. Each of the eight Tribal nations in Montana will also receive $167,504 from the Capital Projects Fund. Tester was the only member of the Montana delegation to vote for this funding.


“This crisis hit Montana hard, and this funding has played a critical role in making sure Montana state and local communities have the resources they need to respond to this public health emergency,” Tester said. “These funds will help make critical investments in our state’s outdated water and sewer systems and our broadband infrastructure so we can connect more folks to the high-speed internet they need to thrive in the 21st century economy. I was proud to secure this targeted relief and to ensure folks in rural America don’t get left behind.”


The American Rescue Plan’s Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds have previously provided $906,418,527 to the state of Montana, $135,983,876 to Montana cities and towns, $207,597,597 to counties in Montana, and $520,838,321 to Montana Tribes, helping address workforce shortages, housing needs, and keeping Montana’s first responders on the beat.


Tester worked tirelessly to ensure the COVID relief bill provided targeted resources that made a tangible impact on Montana’s economy and ensure that anyone who wants a vaccine can get one – especially those who bravely served our country. The bill ensures local mayors have the resources to keep cops and firefighters on the beat, every Montanan who wants a vaccine can get one, schools can fully re-open safely, includes critical relief targeting local restaurants, and it provides badly-needed relief for hard-hit Montana workers and small businesses, along with fulfilling former President Trump’s promise of $2,000 in direct payments for every American earning less than $75,000.



ARPA Economic Transformation, Stabilization and Workforce Development Advisory Commission Meeting

The ARPA Economic Transformation, Stabilization, and Workforce Development Advisory Commission Meeting will meet on Wednesday, September 8, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in the State Capitol. The meeting will be held in Room 102, as well as virtually and will also be live-streamed at



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