
Clean Energy States Alliance details successes, roadblocks, and strategies of bringing new technology to under-resourced communities


The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) released a report detailing the benefits, obstacles and importance of working with under-resourced communities to facilitate access to solar energy. The report, Solar with Justice, provides a detailed set of recommendations for successfully providing solar technology to low- and moderate-income areas. CESA’s suggestions target six specific stakeholders: state governments, philanthropic foundations, community organizations, municipalities, investors, and the solar industry.

Accompanying these guidelines are 11 case studies, each giving unique insight into the process of introducing solar energy into under-resourced communities while also addressing the challenges that can arise, including the lack of capital or state-level policy support. The recommendations, paired with this set of diverse case studies, provides stakeholders with a roadmap for bringing solar technology to the under-resourced communities of the country. Among the report’s key recommendations for state governments are to be sure pro-solar state policies are in place, adopt special incentives and policies, leverage private capital, work with and help community organizations, and bring low- and middle-income issues into public utility commission proceedings.

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