
Competitive Analysis – Don’t Take it for Granted

I still remember the days when I was extremely active in organized sports. I’m talking about baseball, football & yes, I even played soccer. Today, my mind still thinks I could play like I did when I was 25 years old but my body disagrees. Consequently, my total sports activity today is golf and pickleball.

The point I’m getting at is simply how athletes’ prepare for a competition. The very first thing they do is study the competition. I mean really figure out exactly who they are going up against. They know their statistics, their records and most importantly they study both their strengths and their weaknesses.

Doesn’t that make sense? Really, if you plan on being better than your competition, the more you know about them the better chance you have of defeating them. Now, if you agree with this concept, doesn’t it make sense that the very same principles apply in the business environment? Let’s face it, even Tiger Woods studies his competition and golf is much more of an individual sport where the competition is often the course itself.

by Dr. Rick Johnson

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