
The Man Who Saved the Internet with a Sunflower, the Untold Story of Visionary American Entrepreneur Rob Ryan Takes Home Competition Features Audience Award at Dances With Films 2024

Rob Ryan


The first in a planned trilogy, the captivating dramedy explores the future of technology and humanity, delving into the untold story of Ryan, an innovative engineer and mentor whose Sunflower Code, a decision-making formula and tool to discover one’s true vocation, revolutionized the Internet and continues to inspire aspiring entrepreneurs.

By Tammy Reese

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Transforming entrepreneurs and their processes through our Sunflower Model and Possibility Thought Algorithm.

Smartups: Lessons from Rob Ryan’s Entrepreneur America Boot Camp for Start-Ups

In Smartups, Ryan focuses on methods he’s developed over the years for building a sustainable business that makes money. He emphasizes the importance of testing ideas on customers and making sure that a product offers something new and important.

Hero Partners’ Rob Ryan ($24B Ascend Communications) On The Sunflower Model For Business

At the center of the structure, the Sunflower Model identifies the core competencies that distill a company to its essence as a set of value propositions. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should.

Rob Ryan: founder of tech darling Ascend now grows entrepreneurs on his Montana ranch using “The Sunflower”

“Think beyond your current product to find your core competency to which a whole series of petals (representing products) can be added.”

Ryan has come to view the Sunflower as the model for successful entrepreneurs.

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