Why the CEO Must Be the Chief Story Teller
Knowledge is power. However, without strong communication methods, that knowledge can’t be transferred. While workers expect to receive information from their employers, the reality is less than 50 percent of leaders are engaged in communications with their employees.
CEOs lead busy lives. From managing business needs and strategic planning to engaging in new partnerships, prioritizing communication strategies can slip through the cracks. Consequently, employees feel disconnected and productivity declines. A Towers Watson report found that organizations with effective communication programs are 3.5 times more likely to outperform their peers.
Kathleen Lucente
Missoula non-profit Tell Us Something has people sharing their stories – Does your community (or company) have stories to tell?
“Some haven’t been on the stage before. They’re regular people like me and you and talking our truth and some are hilarious stories, and some are heartbreaking stories,” Tell Us Something executive director Marc Moss said.
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