
The Montana Econonic Developers Association (MEDA) Spring Conference Summary – "Providing Leadership in a Challenged Economy"

The 2009 MEDA Spring Conference objective was to:
Equip Montana’s economic developers with up-to-date information on new recovery programs, new technology, and the tools necessary so they may serve as resourceful leaders in revitalizing Montana’s economy. If the evaluation feedback is any indicator, the objective was accomplished.

Full Report and Contact Information:


The Montana Economic Developers Association sponsors educational seminars, workshops and conferences to advance the economic development profession. MEDA is a coordinator for the statewide economic development workshops that provide intense training for economic developers interested in obtaining certification. We conduct research to stimulate the interchange of ideas and experiences between individuals with mutual goals and interests. The association also develops network and communications systems to disseminate information and acts as a clearinghouse and contact point within Montana for other state, regional, national and international economic development organizations and agencies.

MEDA Membership is open to anyone interested in promoting and building a stronger Montana economy. Is your company contributing to the future of our state?


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Welcome to MEDA: Leadership Dedicated to Building Montana's Economy

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