
The Big Rural Problem We Don’t Talk About – Class 3 Obesity – Is Your Local School Offering This? What can be done about it?

Rural emergency medical services personnel in our communities deal with severely obese patients more often than you might think. It’s hard to even imagine these situations. We don’t talk about them for a variety of reasons, not least of which are HIPAA privacy rules. But rural municipalities need to better understand the challenges facing responders who have a duty to act, and the potential liability concerns that come from improvised solutions.
Class 3 obesity is putting a strain on rural emergency medical services, fire departments, and caregivers. Here’s why our communities need to know more about it.
A hot button local issue in my community a few years ago was whether or not the school district should build a new gym and locker rooms. The measure passed, and the project also included construction of a fitness center. Recently, I got a lifetime membership ($10) and a key fob that gets me inside. Except for a short window during the school day when it’s used for physical education class, I can use the recumbent bikes and treadmills and eventually (I hope) the elliptical and the weight machines.

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