SAF Finds Novel Way to Beat the Heat and Raise Money for Student Grants
(HELENA) Student Assistance Foundation (SAF), a nonprofit Montana organization, will host a carnival for its employees on Friday, May 19, 2006, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at its 2500 East Broadway office in Helena. The carnival will feature a dunking booth with participants paying $5 for three chances or $20 per guaranteed dunk to knock one of nine SAF employees into a tank of water.
The proceeds of the dunking booth will go to the SAF’s Acce$$ Circle grant program, which provides student loan grants to Montana residents. Last year, the grant program, funded through employee contributions and a $50 match from SAF, awarded $1,000 grants to 20 Montana students.
Other activities during the carnival include face painting, clowns bending balloons, Plinko, darts, horseshoes, bean bag and ring tosses, Duck-O-War, putting green, steer head roping and 3-legged races.
Hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken will be available for those attending, as well as snow cones and popcorn.
The carnival is one of many appreciation events hosted by SAF for its employees to say "thank you for your hard work," said Dean Schechter, facilitator for the event.
Student Assistance Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Montana corporation that provides students with knowledge and tools to finance and pursue their post-secondary education. Funds generated by SAF are returned to Montanans in the form of education grants and public benefit programs. For more information, visit the SAF Web site at
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