
Parking: Best Practices For Great Communities – 4/25 – Online

Webinar Part 3: How Transportation Technology Trends are Reshaping the Parking Landscape

Join us for the third and last session of our "Parking: Best Practices for Great Communities" webinar series!

Sometimes it seems like the transportation "tech boom" is bypassing smaller towns and cities in the Western states. Services like Lyft and Uber are focused on large cities. Car-share systems are gradually showing up in smaller cities but may not be having much impact yet. And the high-capacity transit services that receive so much attention in Denver and Salt Lake City are beyond reach in rural communities. These trends are impacting parking demand and parking management in urban areas, but what do they have to offer in places like Lander WY, Twin Falls ID, or Livingston MT?

This session will examine two transformative trends. The first is the rise of the sharing economy, private sector ride-hailing services, autonomous vehicles and associated web-based tools for trip planning, ride hailing and fare payment. The second is the emergence of new parking technologies like parking space sensors, automated vehicle identification and payment systems, and web-based tools for finding parking spaces and for paying parking fees and fines.

Kenzie Coulson, Manager, Parking & Fleet, Park City, Utah
James F. Charlier, AICP, Charlier Associates, Inc.
Register for: How Transportation Technology Trends are Shaping the Parking Landscape

Wednesday, April 25 | 12:00 PM MT | APA event #9142999


This session is eligible for 1 AICP CM credit from the American Planning Association.

***Please log in 15 minutes prior to start***

If you missed part 1 and part 2 of this series, you can access the recording and slides here

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