
EDRC January 2003 Newsletter

Economic Development
Resource Center

Montana Tech of the University of Montana

January 2003

Volume 1, Number 2

"Economic Development is not a solo act, it is a team effort."


· What have we been up to?

· Mine Waste Technology Program RFP

· Did You Know

o Butte Economic Data

· Tech Spotlight


· Focus on

o Headwaters RC&D

What Have We Been Up To?

The past two months have been productive for the Center as we have continued meeting new professionals in the economic development realm and have continued working on projects that bring jobs and economic growth to Butte. Kim attended a MEDA (Montana Economic Developers Association) meeting in Great Falls in November that was very beneficial in making new contacts around the state.

We have partnered Dr. Butch Gerbrandt, General Engineering, and Dr. Steve Luft, College of Technology, with Jim Smitham of the Butte Local Development Corporation, to do some earthwork calculations/designs for property on Harrison Avenue. This project will be used as a hands-on project for students in ENGR 4870. This is another perfect example of the Office working with local economic development organizations for possible economic growth in Butte.

Request for Proposals: MWTP

The Mine Waste Technology Program (MWTP) has issued a call for proposals focused on research into remediation techniques with wide applications starting in November/December 2003 for Montana Tech/MBMG researchers. Anyone interested in conducting research for the MWTP should submit a proposal to Karl Burgher, ext 4410, no later than February 15, 2003. All proposals must include a graduate student as a researcher. For complete proposal guidelines, please email Kim Robinson at [email protected].

The MWTP, which is funded by the EPA/DOE and implemented by MSE Technology Applications, Inc., has been funding research and supporting graduate students at Montana Tech for the past ten years.

NOTE: This collaboration between Montana Tech and MSE is an example of the kind of partnerships the EDRC hopes to foster in the future.

Did You Know

1. Butte School District employs the greatest number of people in Butte/Silver Bow County with 650 employees. Northwestern Energy (540), St. James Healthcare (535), Butte/Silver Bow County (485), and Wal Mart (430) round out the top five employers.

2. 28.5% of annual wages paid during the year 2000 in Butte/Silver Bow were in the Service industry. Transportation, Communications, and Public Utilities is second with 17.7% and third is Government at 17.3% paid during year 2000. (

3. In 2000 the average per capita income for Montana was $17,151, the national average per capita was $21,587. (Area Plan/ Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, 2002, Headwaters RC&D, pg 74)

Tech Spotlight: MBMG

The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology is the principal source of earth science information for the citizens of Montana. Since 1919, it has been mandated to conduct research and assist in the orderly development of the state’s mineral and water resources. As a non-regulatory agency, the bureau provides extensive advisory, technical, and informational services on geologic, mineral, energy, and water resources in the state. Increasingly, the bureau also is involved in the study of environmental impacts to land and water, whether the impacts were caused by past practices in hard-rock mining or by current activities in agriculture or industry.

Some services provided by the MBMG are:

² Analytical Laboratory

² Earthquake Studies

² Environmental Assessment

² Geology and Minerals

² Geographic Information Systems

² Groundwater

² Mineral Museum

² Information Services

MBMG is located on the internet at:

Focus on: Headwaters RC&D

Headwaters Resource Conservation and Development Area, Inc., provides economic development assistance, serving as an eight county, grass roots organization. Its basic goal is to improve the economic and social well being of the region through conservation, development, and proper use of natural and human resources. Some of the economic development programs of RC&D are:

First Time Homebuyers Program

Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. of Great Falls (NHS) and the state network of Resource Conservation and Development Areas have formed a partnership to assist lower income Montanans into homeownership. This assistance comes in the form of no interest, due on sale loans for down payment and closing costs for homebuyers at or below 80% of median income in rural Montana.

Business Assistance and Counseling

The Business Development Specialist for the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) travels to base offices in seven southwestern Montana counties at least twice per month. There he meets with current and prospective small business owners to discuss their particular needs.

Typically an "action plan" is agreed upon, and both parties leave the meeting with "homework" to do. They meet again as many times as necessary to resolve identified problems.

Loan Programs

² EDA Revolving Loan Fund

² CDBG Revolving Loan Fund

² Microbusiness Loan Program

Contact Us:

Kim Robinson

Deputy Director

Economic Development Resource Center

ELC 332

1300 West Park Street

Butte, MT 59701






[email protected]

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This U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Grant SBAHQ-02-I-0004 is funded by the SBA. SBA’s funding is not an endorsement of any products, opinions, or services. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.

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