
150 Cheap Places To Live. – Yes! You can live in a rural community and make a good living. & The 10 most overpriced places in the United States

We’ve all heard about the wonders of the broadband Web. You can stream video, surf at lightning speeds, search for God-knows-what, get your e-mail in a blink. Here’s what you may not know: It can let you live far richer than you probably live now.

Let me explain: For most of us, our biggest expense is the monthly mortgage payment that buys our house. The median house in America costs $210,000. Let’s put in a new kitchen, redo the bathrooms and place the house in a good school district. Bingo, $300,000. For this money, you’ll get a 2,300-square-foot house on a quarter-acre.

Does $300,000 sound cheap or expensive to you? Depends entirely on where you live, right? You’d say ridiculously cheap if you happen to live in Boston, New York, Washington, the Florida coasts or anywhere in California.


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What if you want to live in a grander fashion? Say a 4,000-square-foot house on an acre.

What would that cost you? In Palo Alto, Calif., Greenwich, Conn., Washington, D.C.’s Georgetown or San Diego’s La Jolla, easily $4 million. In just as lovely Bend, Ore., where the sky is blue and dry, the Deschutes River trout jump year round and Mt. Bachelor winter powder is bitchin’, maybe $700,000. You’ll get more than an acre, too.

Rich Karlgaard Forbes Magazine

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Here’s a new report on 2007 numbers:

2007 QUALITY OF LIFE QUOTIENT: What Really Matters Is Not the Salary, but What That Salary Will Buy



You’ll have to go through the categories at the top left hand box of the story. Here’s a list of all communities and the category in which their described. – Russ

Bohemian Bargains

Buffalo, NY
Cincinnati, OH
Cleveland, OH
Dayton, OH
Denver, CO
Grand Rapids, MI
Hartford, CT
Indianapolis, IN
Kansas City, MO
Louisville, KY
Memphis, TN
Miami, FL
Milwaukee, WI
Nashville, TN
Pittsburgh, PA
Portland, OR
Providence, RI
Raleigh, NC
Rochester, NY
Sacramento, CA
St Louis, MO
St Paul, MN
Tampa, FL
Wichita, KS

Happy Hootervilles

Baraboo, WI
Bardstown, KY
Bisbee, AZ
Douglas, GA
Durant, OK
East Stroudsburg, PA
Eufaula, AL
Fairhope, AL
French Lick, IN
Gillette, WY
Grants Pass, OR
Greencastle, IN
Hammond, LA
Hendersonville, NC
Lebanon, NH
Liberal, KS
Marble Falls, TX
McCall, ID
Moorefield, WV
Moses Lake, WA
Nevada City, CA
Oxford, MS
Philadelphia, MS
Spring Hill, TN
Traverse City, MI

IQ Campuses

Albany, NY
Ames, IA
Amherst, MA
Ann Arbor, MI
Athens, GA
Boulder, CO
Bozeman, MT
Champaign-Urbana, IL
Charlottesville, VA
Columbus, OH
Davis, CA
Eugene, OR
Fargo, ND
Hanover, NH
Huntsville, AL
Iowa City, IA
Ithaca, NY
Knoxville, TN
Lawrence, KS
Logan, UT
Madison, WI
Missoula, MT
Pocatello, ID
State College, PA
Terre Haute, IN

Porch-Swinging Communities

Appleton, WI
Ashland, OR
Billings, MT
Bismarck, ND
Bloomington, IL
Bloomington, IN
Boise, ID
Bowling Green, OH
Cheyenne, WY
Columbia, MO
Corvallis, OR
Des Moines, IA
Dubuque, IA
Enid, OK
Fayetteville, AR
Fort Walton Beach, FL
Grand Forks, ND
Lafayette, IN
Lincoln, NE
Punta Gorda, FL
Rochester, MN
Sioux Falls, SD
Spokane, WA
St Cloud, MN
Yarmouth, MA

Steroid Cities

Austin, TX
Birmingham, AL
Charlotte, NC
Colorado Springs, CO
Flagstaff, AZ
Fort Collins, CO
Fort Worth, TX
Fresno, CA
Gainesville, FL
Greeley, CO
Greenville, NC
Jackson, TN
Laredo, TX
Las Vegas, NV
McAllen, TX
Myrtle Beach, SC
Naples, FL
Orlando, FL
Phoenix, AZ
Provo, UT
Reno, NV
Tucson, AZ
Wilmington, NC
Winston-Salem, NC
Yuma, AZ

Telecommuting Heavens

Albuquerque, NM
Anacortes, WA
Angel Fire, NM
Astoria, OR
Bend, OR
Blacksburg, VA
Brainerd, MN
Branson, MO
Burlington, VT
Clemson, SC
Durango, CO
Freeport, ME
Gatlinburg, TN
Hilton Head, SC
Hot Springs, AR
Mariposa, CA
Michigan City, IN
Moab, UT
Sandpoint, ID
Savannah, GA
Sedona, AZ
Sisters, OR
Stockbridge, MA
White Sulphur Springs, WV
Whitefish, MT


The 10 most overpriced places in the United States


Fort Collins, Colo., rated best place in the country to live

Money magazine announced Monday that Fort Collins is the "Best Place to Live" in America for 2006 , citing its natural setting, vibrant downtown and the presence of Colorado State University.

The magazine said the city, 60 miles north of Denver not far from Rocky Mountain National Park, also outpaced other places in "ease-of-living" measures such as commute times and recreation.

The monthly magazine’s August edition ranks Fort Collins No. 1 among 745 places with populations greater than 50,000.

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