
The Montana AFL-CIO, through the District 19 IAMAW, joins Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority as an ex officio member by unanimous vote.

We are thrilled to announce that the AFL-CIO, through District 19 IAMAW, has joined Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority as an ex officio member by unanimous vote. John Denny will serve as its representative to BSPRA.

More about John: General Chairman—District Lodge 19, IAMAW, Book No: AT078702, LL 430. A native of Montana, John served eight years in the U.S. Army before joining the IAM in 1998 as a Machinist. Rising through the ranks. John has held many positions local and District positions prior to being elected as a General Chairman. John has been involved in coalition building, contract negotiations, and implementing agreements under the Railway Labor Act and the National Labor Relations Act. He has had success in the processing of claims and grievances including Rules, Discipline, and Sub-Contracting cases.

John’s assignments now include BNSF, SOO, DM&E, D&H, UP, MRL, CN Shop Machinists, Traveling Mechanics, and the Rapid Responders. This year alone he has worked hard to win contracts for MRL, which was overwhelmingly accepted, the SOO, and Delaware and Hudson. With the DM&E is rapidly ending soon as well. This has prevented the Carriers from gaining traction while dividing our members. As well as several implementing agreements. When time allows, John likes to go camping and fly fishing with his family.

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