
Montana Economic Developers Association 2025 Montana Legislature Policy Statements


MEDA (Montana Economic Developers Association) is comprised of more than 150 economic development practitioners from across the state working to advance development through business creation, expansion, and retention, as well as diversification of our state’s economic base.


1. Workforce

Developing, retaining, and attracting workforce to communities of all sizes throughout
Montana is critical to economic health and growth. MEDA members play critical roles in
supporting industry through workforce development.

a. MEDA supports training programs that help individuals gain skills that are in
demand by industry.

b. MEDA supports investment in career and technical education funding and K-12
career pathway development programs.

c. MEDA supports higher education alignment with industry needs.

MEDA will actively pursue the creation of a roadmap. This tool will ideally help MEDA
members better understand the roles and responsibilities of various agencies that are
engaged in workforce development.

2. Entrepreneurial Development & Small Business Enhancement

Helping entrepreneurs succeed is critical for economic diversification, tax base growth,
and sustaining communities of all sizes.

a. MEDA supports programs that help entrepreneurs and small businesses start,
develop, innovate, and access capital.

b. MEDA supports capital that is focused on filling gaps. Specifically, start-up
funding and working capital that cannot be secured through traditional means.

c. MEDA supports business process automation.

3. Economic Development Infrastructure

When the right infrastructure is in place, communities can offer an excellent place for
businesses to start and grow. These building blocks are also critical for attracting private

a. MEDA will pursue extending the “sunset” date of core economic development
programs (e.g., CRDC, MMEC, SBDC, FADC, MCDC).

b. MEDA supports funding and statute changes to address traditional infrastructure
deficiencies that prevent private investment (roads, bridges, water, sewer,
broadband, utilities). This includes Targeted Economic Development Districts.

c. MEDA supports reviewing economic development best practices and adapting
to the changing environment to stay competitive regionally and nationally.

4. Diversification & Innovation

Securing the economic future of Montana’s future requires the development of new
industries and supporting the growth and expansion of existing Montana companies.

a. MEDA supports the expansion of funding for value-added agriculture businesses
both producer and non-producer driven.

b. MEDA supports incentives that drive businesses to utilize Montana products.

c. MEDA supports the expansion of available business tax incentives including but
not limited to film.

5. Livability & Main Street Revitalization

Main Streets are the heartbeat of our communities. Vibrancy and investment on Main
Street are critical to the future of communities of all sizes.

a. MEDA supports urban renewal districts and recognizes the critical role they play
in driving private investment.

b. MEDA supports funding the Main Street Program.

c. MEDA supports main street revitalization funding for brownfields
assessments/cleanup and other redevelopment initiatives.

6. Housing Development

Housing availability is a bottleneck for the growth of the workforce in communities of
every size in Montana.

a. MEDA supports removing barriers to developing housing.

b. MEDA supports infrastructure funding/incentives for housing development.

c. MEDA supports housing rehabilitation.

d. MEDA will monitor proposed changes to land-use policy and practices.

7. Collaboration

Supporting and working with other like-minded entities is critical. It is also important to
not duplicate efforts that are being undertaken by partners.

a. MEDA will support legislative priorities from other entities as necessary.

b. MEDA will consider requests for support from like-minded entities.

c. The MEDA Board of Directors and Public Policy Committee will determine before
the 2025 session the feasibility of pursuing an active legislative approach.


Montana Economic Developers Association

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The Montana World Affairs Council is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering global understanding and awareness in Montana’s communities and classrooms.

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The Missoula Chamber of Commerce advances the quality of life in Missoula by advocating for a healthy, responsible & diverse business environment & by providing resources that help businesses succeed. Contact Sharon Morren, Director of Membership, [email protected] to join.

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Welcome to MEDA: Leadership Dedicated to Building Montana's Economy

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Prospera helps businesses and communities find their pathway to success, acting as the navigator, problem solver and catalyst for a strong Montana economy.

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