
Great Falls Economic Development Quarter Index 2019Q1

1st Quarter 2019 Index
Great Falls rank in’s Best Places to Live:  Top 100!
Growth in Great Falls metro area labor force from February 2018 to 2019:  598
Growth in employment from February 2018 to 2019:  617
Business proprietor income increase in Cascade County in 2017:  118%
Rank amongst the 7 Montana urban counties:  1st
Size of new missile maintenance dispatch facility to be constructed at MAFB:  43,500 SF
Number of people attending the 2019 Home and Garden Show 14,000
Number of GFDA out of state business development trips during quarter:  5
Great Falls hotel room demand increase in 2018:  3.6%
Downtown building permits issued during 2018Q4:  12
Total of permits:  $783,300
Elevation of new downtown Great Falls public house Elevation 3300:  3,333
Number of local entrepreneurs and businesses coached by GFDA during quarter:  117
Of these, number of new coaching clients:  41
Number of business training sessions offered during quarter:  10
Number of training participants:  128
Number of businesses started or bought by coached clients during quarter:  1
Jobs supported by our Small Business Development Center this quarter:  220
Local companies assisted by our Small Business Development Center in 2018:  175
Number of new businesses clients started:  19
Number of training participants:  320
Jobs supported:  500+
Annual growth rate of Small Business Development Center clients nationwide:  18.1%
New capital secured by entrepreneur clients during quarter:  $1,321,972
Loans closed and funded during quarter:  $2,149,000
Private investment leveraged by these loans:  $4,519,476
Loans commitments issued this quarter:  $741,000
Expected private investment to be leveraged by these loans:  $1,664,402
Number of new Great Falls assisted living beds announced by BeeHive Homes this quarter:  36
Local income generated during Construction of 100 single family homes:  $23,554,200
Local jobs supported during construction of 100 single family homes:  363
Local income on-going from 100 single family homes:  $3,542,800
Local jobs supported on-going from 100 single family homes:  71
Percent of population that is women according to the U.S. Census:  50.6%
Percent of labor force that is women according to U.S. Census:  58%
Percent of women in non-traditional careers according to the U.S. Department of Labor:  less than 25%
Number of women at Great Jobs for Great Falls Women in Non-traditional Careers event:  50
Number of local opportunities for women in carpentry, welding, fitting, machinery operators, and the like:  >1,000
Percent of all U.S. businesses owned by women according to SBA:  36%
Percent of businesses with employees owned by women according to SBA:  20%
Number of people celebrating female entrepreneurs at our annual The Fire Within event sponsored by Embark FCU:  200+
Date of the tenth annual The Fire Within event:  3.26.20
Montana’s rank in Gallup annual Wellbeing Index:  4th
Montana’s rank for lowest tax burden by 24/7 Wall Street: 13th
Average drop in Montana workers comp loss costs this July: 17.2%
Global average of Gen Z and Millennials who say, “I am addicted to social media.”  39%
Percent that agree with, “I would rather lose my ability to smell than give up my device.”  25%
Predicted losses to U.S. GDP by 2025 if infrastructure is not addressed:  $3.9 trillion
Estimated lost business sales by 2025:  $7 trillion
Estimated American jobs to be lost by 2025 due to infrastructure deficiencies:  2.5 million
Corporate executives who say availability of skilled labor is the top consideration in choosing expansion locations:  90.5%
Who say quality of life is a key location factor in choosing expansion locations:  82.8%
Site selection consultants who say availability of skilled labor is the top consideration in choosing expansion locations:  100%
Iowa’s goal for workforce with education or training beyond high school by 2025:  70%
Montana rank for lowest population with less than 9thgrade education:  1st
Montana workforce with “some college” but without degree or certificate:  23.4%
Gallup estimate of U.S. workers who don’t know what is expected of them:  50%
U.S. workers that are remote workers according to U.S. Census Bureau: 5.2%
Range of remote workers in U.S. top 100 metro areas:  2.1 – 9.1%
U.S. companies that now have remote workers:  63%
U.S. companies that use freelancers:  48%
Number of remote workers this amounts to:  8.2 million
Number we have attracted and can attract to Great Falls region: Unknown
For info contact Jolene Schalper at [email protected]
or 1-406-750-4481 or Brett Doney at [email protected] 
or 1-406-750-2119

Hungry to Grow the Great Falls region
Grow and diversify the Great Falls regional economy.
Create higher wage career opportunities.
Improve market competitiveness.
The first economic development organization in the Rocky Mountain West to earn accreditation from the International Economic Development Council.
GFDA is a certified Community Development Financial Institution and a 501(c)3 charitable organization. High Plains Financial is a certified Community Development Corporation that offers SBA 504 loans statewide. GFDA and High Plains Financial are Equal Opportunity Lenders.
GFDA is proud to host a Montana Small Business Development Center, a Montana Procurement Technical Assistance Center, and a Montana Food & Ag Development Center. We are also proud to provide office space for the Montana Manufacturing Extension Center of MSU, and to be part of the Montana Cooperative Development Center network.
For more info, click to our website.

News Catrgory Sponspor:

Great Falls trade area. Competitive for food, ag, bioprocessing, energy, and support. Closest U.S. metro area to Calgary. Untame Your Entrepreneurial Spirit!

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