
City Club Missoula addresses youth climate lawsuit – Montana law professor weighs chances of Held vs. Montana

City Club Missoula CCM

If the Montana Supreme Court upholds a lower court’s decision in the youth climate case, can it force action from the legislature?

In Held v. Montana, is the actual goal of the 16 youth plaintiffs to end mining and oil drilling?

And what are the odds the state Supreme Court overturns the district court judge’s decision anyway?

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Tell DEQ: Leave MEPA intact and analyze climate impacts!

Over the past several months, the MT Dept of Environmental Quality (DEQ), has convened a working group to craft recommendations that would theoretically improve the process that DEQ implements under MEPA. The draft set of recommendations are now available for the public’s review, and many of them would fundamentally undermine the purpose and value of MEPA.

It is critical for Montanans of all stripes to tell DEQ and the working group that it must ensure MEPA remains a crucial tool in protecting the environment and engaging the public, and that DEQ fully considers the climate crisis in MEPA analyses, as required by Held v. State of Montana.

You can submit comments about the draft recommendations online through DEQ’s portalComments will be accepted until June 17, and a final (virtual) meeting of the Working Group will be held on June 27, 4:00-5:00 pm. Register in advance through DEQ’s website.

>>Learn more about this process and see a list of talking points from our friends at MEIC.

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